Senin, 18 April 2016

No Say to me No

Image result for McFarland
Sounds bad. Antidenial person. Something like that.
But that wasn’t my point today. I’d like to tell you about the movie I got that sentence from.
The tittle is Mc Farland USA. Have you ever watch this movie? Not yet. Oh, please. Don’t spend your life without watching it  :D. Come on. Let’s go to internet and suft and watch this very recommended movie.
The actor is Kevin Costner (I don’t know about you, but I know this man since I was so young. And I keep say that he always choose special movie to play in).
This movie tells us about Jim White. A PE and science teacher that got so many troubles at schools where he teach. He fight with other teacher, hurt his students and other problems.
So, he moved to McFarland, a poor city in California. This place produces vegetables and fruits for whole America, but as many other places, the citizen are poor. Most of them work as a picker, who have no idea for a better life. They said, there’s no American Dream in that city.
Jim found that it’s a very quiet city. There’s only a supermarket an a restaurant, no hang out places. Some students got to go home before time because they had to help their parents picking. Some students had to leave their home at dawn, pick at the farm, then run to school and back to the farm after school. What a life.
Jim promise his family that they won’t stay long in that city.
One day, Jim realize that the students has ability to run very fast and they are strong. So Jim build a cross country team of 7 boys. They fight to build their dreams of a better life.
After so many fight with parents and farm foreman, the team can go to California first chalenge. And they win.
This winning change so many thing in Jim’s life, his family and of course the boys’s life. 6 of them got schoolarship to college and become many kind of better job than picker.
How about Jim? He and his family still stay in McFarland untill the day the movie made. He dedicate his life to build another American Dream in McFarland.
I like this movie not because Kevin Costner, he he he. I like this movie because it tells us about passion, all out in what we do. It tells me that if we can find a light in every children, they’ll become a good people someday. Just believe in them and help them to grow.
Congrats for all the actor and actress that play in this movie and all the crew, because you are all so lucky. I wish this movie will inspire more people, more teacher like me.
I almost forgot. The sentence no say to me no, it’s a sentence that say at least twice by the mother of 3 Jim’s runner. She’s a good mother.
For all of you who read this note, go. Find this movie and watch. Come share your opinion with me. I’ll wait.  

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Finally, the Campfire

Finally, we can do the weekend camp at school.
It's fun, full with activity, open our mind and memory about how a camp is.
I wish the memory will take forever.

What we want to do in this activity is refresh our knowledge about scouting. So, we learn more about leadership, PBB (what is the English word for this :p), survival in an open area, build the tents, pioneering, semaphore, how to describe something in front of the audiences, dancing, singing and many more.
I can't imagine that we need less then one week to prepare this.

I thank's god to meet those spiritfull teenagers, that they do everything they can to gain what they want. I wish each of them will become a good leader in the future, in every field they choose. Aamiin.

new link

I still don't get it, why I have to copy this paragraph in my media. So, let's wait the effect for the next 24 hours.

Or, somebody can explain to me?  He he he. I'm new comer here.

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